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Bharatpur Hospital List

Government Hospital Bharatpur: A Comprehensive Guide

Bharatpur Teaching Hospital: An Overview

Bharatpur Teaching Hospital (BTH) is a renowned government hospital located in Bharatpur, Nepal. Established to provide quality healthcare services to the people of Chitwan and surrounding areas, BTH offers a comprehensive range of medical services.

Services Offered

BTH provides a wide spectrum of healthcare services, including:

  • Outpatient and inpatient services
  • Emergency and trauma care
  • ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) services
  • General physician services
  • Dental services

Location and Contact Information

Bharatpur Hospital is conveniently located at Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal.

Contact number: 056-524090

Website: [Insert website URL if available]

About Bharatpur Samudayik Hospital

Bharatpur Samudayik Hospital (BSH) is another government hospital in Chitwan. BSH is committed to providing quality healthcare services to the community, with a focus on primary healthcare.

Bharatpur Hospital: A Landmark in Healthcare

Bharatpur Hospital has played a pivotal role in improving the health of the people of Chitwan. As a government hospital, it ensures that essential healthcare services are accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic status.
