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Animal That Causes Warts

Alaska Department Of Fish And Game State Of Alaska

Papillomatosis: A Common Infection in Animals

What is Papillomatosis?

Papillomatosis, commonly known as warts, is a contagious infection caused by a virus belonging to the papillomavirus family. It affects a wide range of animals, including humans. Each species has its own specific strain of papillomavirus, meaning that the virus that infects animals cannot spread to humans and vice versa.

Types and Transmission

There are over 150 different types of papillomaviruses, and each virus can cause different types of warts. In animals, papillomas typically appear as small, cauliflower-like growths on the skin or mucous membranes. They may be single or multiple, and can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Papillomaviruses are highly contagious and are spread through direct contact with an infected animal or its bodily fluids.

Symptoms and Treatment

The symptoms of papillomatosis vary depending on the type of virus and the location of the warts. In general, warts can cause discomfort, irritation, and in some cases, difficulty breathing or eating. Treatment options include topical medications, surgical removal, or cryotherapy (freezing).

Papillomatosis is a common infection in animals, but it can usually be managed with appropriate treatment. Prevention is key, and avoiding contact with infected animals is the best way to reduce the risk of infection.

Last Updated: April 8, 2024

Infonet Biovision
